Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Domestic Goddess

It's only when you start living alone that you appreciate and missed the luxury of living with your parents. In the past, I never have to worry if there's enough cooked water/coffee/toilet paper/food. Now that I'm living with the hubz, I've to look after these myself. If I'm lazy or have gotten to boil water, then no cooked water. If I don't keep track of the groceries, they run out. Overnight, I became an auntie, and NTUC became my best friend. I remembered how lost I felt when I went to buy groceries for the first time and am totally clueless what detergent to buy and if there's a need to buy bleach & softener. I wondered "if I don't buy softener, will my clothes be very hard/stiff after washed?" Even though I do help in housework duties at my parent's home, I never have to worry about these. I just use what they have, and viola!

Google became my best friend (or rather, Google have always been my BFF, but I've loved him even more now!). I google for everything from "how to cook green bean soup" to "how to remove stains from clothes". This is an era when you can no longer say "I dunno how leh", "Nobody taught me". With the internet, you can find answers to almost anything you want. I've learnt and received so much from the kind articles that people have shared, that I taught I should do the same too, and hopefully, help some people who are feeling as lost and clueless, as well as a journal for myself to keep track of my growth and to recap when my brain fails.

I decide to call this section Domestic Goddess, just to give it a more glamourous label, and to remind myself housework doesn't have to be all auntie and unglam. :)

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