Tuesday, January 7, 2014

News: Dream $110k wedding ends in debt

This news is all over social media these 2 days and it made my jaws dropped over the decisions some people make. To me, it's total stupidity to spend so much on a 1 day event. Sure, it's a once-in-a-lifetime event, but to spend your life savings and even borrow money for a wedding and live the next few years in debt sounds ridiculous in my honest opinion. But I probably shouldn't judge, given that I've been labelled as being too practical by people around me. I guess, different people have different needs, wants and expectations in their life.

For one, "having a bridal arch made with 999 fresh tulips from Holland, completed with a tulip-shaped balloon, for their wedding march-in. The arch cost nearly $12,000." is something I'll definitely not pay for. $12,000 for a bridal arch. Wow. It's probably the bride's dream to have a bridal arch like that. I'm those practical and boring bride that really don't care what flowers they use for my bridal arch (can't even remember I have one. need to go dig out the pictures) and I'm pretty sure my guests will not have noticed if I used fresh tulips from Holland or fake flowers or whatever since they ain't florists or flower fanatics. When I was discussing with the hotel over the decorations and flowers option, and they mentioned some flowers are chargeable (if I want to change), I immediately told them to give me what's in the package. I'm not willing to pay an extra cent on flowers that's going to die in a day and not many people will notice anyway. Sure, it will probably look good in pictures, but I think my flowers from the hotel looks equally awesome and gorgeous. My guests probably wouldn't have noticed if I used pink/champagne/white roses or lilies or whatever, or where they are from. Sorry, I'm practical like that.

$12,000, I'll rather spend it on my honeymoon (go to some exotic places and get an awesome experience), my house renovation or even buy a big diamond ring! ok la...that's me. different people have different expectations.

Like when I was printing my invite, hubz and I decide right from the start to go with the basics. Our point is that guests usually read it for 6 seconds probably (when? where? what time), then after the wedding, probably went into the dustbin (unless you're having the invite like Vanness and Arissa's then that's another story but then, they are billionaires, and most of us here are just ordinary people). So we refused to pay extras for special paper (what shimmers and blings and whatever), hotstamps etc..alll DUNWAN. We went for the basics, and it turns out simple and classy.

Vanness and Arissa's invite. Absolutely gorgeous and creative and I doubt anybody will throw it away (probably sell also won't throw la). The printing cost should be quite a bomb too with the special paper and cuts. 
source: arissa's instagram

I do believe wedding is a BIG event and a once-in-a-lifetime event but spend wisely on what matters most. If bridal arch and flowers are your childhood dream, go ahead and splurge. For me, what's important is my gown. I've a certain style I want and I go for it. Sure, Sophia is not the cheapest bridal boutique out there but they meet my requirements, satisfy my needs, and have absolutely gorgeous gowns I love. So even though they are indeed, pretty pricey compared to the others along Tanjong Pagar, I went with them. Personally, when I stepped into some bridal boutiques, really no feel. I looked at the gowns and feel bored. It's not that their gowns are not nice, it's just no chemistry lor. So go with your "calling" and within your budget.

Spend wisely, and budget. I realized budgeting is really important. Knowing the range you're willing to pay for (and can afford) will help you make wise money decisions. :)

source: http://news.omy.sg/News/Local-News/Dream-110k-wedding-ends-in-debt-232671

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