Saturday, January 4, 2014

Let go, Have Fun & Just Enjoy the Day

During my wedding preps, I've heard/read so many people talking about "let go, have fun and just enjoy the day". Deep inside, I wonder "how is it possible? so many things to do, so many things to worry about". And there are many things that cannot be solved easily with "contingency plans". However, I try my best to be chill about stuffs and not sweat about every details. I've heard about brides stressing out on every single details and I was determined not to do so. If you've been reading my entries, you probably have read how I turned into a bridezilla on the final week to the wedding. I was totally freaking out and totally stressed.

And as most projects, Murphy's law strike. The bridal boutique called to say there's problems with the bouquet/flowers I've chosen, Sheraton called to saw there's shipment problem with the wedding favour I've chosen, and it's been raining cats & dogs everyday (more like thunderstorms and flash floods happening everywhere) during the week approaching the day. I started to panic and worry about the day. What if it rains? What if it not only rains but a downpour? What if the new bouquet I've chosen is not what I like? What if the new wedding favour doesn't match with the other one? What if they play the wrong match-in song? What if I trip and fall? What ifs? And all of a sudden, my Angels reminded me that things happen for a reason and to trust and have faith that it's for the better. I began to relax and just let go.

7th Dec is an awesome day. The weather is perfect with blue skies and beautiful clouds (a rare sight during that 2 weeks). My gown is gorgeous and everyone loves my gown. I love my flowers. The ballroom is awesome. My guests are all super punctual that everyone is pleasantly surprised. We have smooth and awesome traffic throughout. It's a beautiful and perfect day. Everyone loves the food and have a great time. :)

There's many things in life that are not within our control. Things happen, and what's important is our approach and attitude to it. Whether it's a good or bad thing is entirely up to us. You can go on and worry about everything but that will not change or help anything. It will only make you tired, shag, and inability to enjoy the day cos you're constantly worrying. Looking back, I'm thankful for the things that happen. If there's no problem with the batch of lilies, I won't be able to have my lovely bouquet of roses and feathers and have the Angels around me, spreading their love and joy everywhere I go.

Therefore, just "Let go & Enjoy the Day. It'll be awesome!"

There will also be alot of random people around giving comments about everything you do. I'm pretty stubborn and like to do things against the norm and I'm glad I have things my way for my wedding.

  • I'm always against the idea of gate crashing. I do not understand the need or the rationale behind saboing the groom when it's his BIG DAY as well. Sorry to offend but I feel it's totally stupid and unnecessary. 
  • Childhood montage always make me clinge. Since long ago, my husband and I have agreed that we not have childhood montage during our wedding since we feel its so -_-"'
  • Bridesmaid. Some older folks prefer to have a whole kampung of bridesmaid as they think it's more 热闹. I only want people that matters and are close to my heart with me. 
I've people asking me "why you only have X bridesmaid?" "why no gate crash? like that boring leh", "why you no do childhood montage" "why you blah blah blah". My answer to them? "Because it's my wedding and I only want things that matters to me" :)

Have fun. :)

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