Monday, July 22, 2013


I woke up these few days feeling totally unmotivated and tired. i recognized this feeling. It's my soul telling me I'm bored.

Honestly, my life has been pretty action-pack lately. Work + Wedding + House Reno basically sums up my life now. Weekdays is all about work, work and more work. Weekends are filled with house-related activities. Feel like I've not have a rest for a long, long time, even though my last trip was not too long ago. I think I'm feeling drained. Physically and emotionally. With such activities-filled days everyday, i shouldn't have time to feel bored right? but I am. I'm bored. very very bored. I probably sound contradicting, but I'm really bored. House and Wedding stuffs are pretty interesting so far. I think the main thing that is boring me is work. another contradicting thing is I'm in one of the most interesting industry around; Advertising. how boring can it get right? and I'm one of the fortunate ones to be working on more than 1 accounts, and across different industries (think automobile to beauty), so work should be fun and exciting? sure, the accounts are fun, but I'm bored with what I'm doing. it's been in my mind for the longest time if I should leave advertising and work on something else. but the question comes down to: so what should I be doing if I leave advertising?

I need a change. Perhaps, a change in environment? a change in role? or a change in industry? perhaps, I should consider going to the client side? or do something totally new all together?

Right now. the only thing i know is I want to run away. My problem is I don't know where.

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