Friday, December 26, 2014

How to Keep Lizards Away Naturally


檳榔/pinang/Areca catechu is a fruit we can commonly find along the street around Singapore neighborhood. You may have seen it around but never pay much notice to it.

You may have heard of 檳榔西施,the scantily dressed girls selling pinang in Taiwan. In Taiwan, there's plenty of stores along the street selling pinang. Drivers especially love to buy pinang as it helps to keep them awake.

Do you know there's another use of pinang? This innocent looking fruit can help to keep away lizards, and it's free. Choose the ones that has turned orange (the green ones are not ripe yet). Just peel open the fruit (as shown on the picture below), and leave it where lizards are known to enter the house. Throw the fruit away after they start to turn black/moldy and replace with new ones.

Learnt this from my mum, who heard about this in the market. Apparently it's become a popular way to get rid of lizards that many aunties are looking for pinangs everyday, resulting the fruit going "out of stock" occasionally.

give it a try, and share with me your results. I personally find it pretty effective! :)

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