Thursday, January 24, 2013


I first heard her voice in Mayday 五月天 追夢《3DNA》movie, where she sang 【知足】. I was immediately captivated by her voice, and thought her version is so much better than 阿信's. Always thought she's an angmo or something as her voice is so different from the usual chinese singers. Didn't see her face till recently during one of Mayday's concert. Turns out she's a 原住民(native tribe).  原住民 can really sing so well.

Anyway, got her new album and it's really good! Her voice is so unique to her. I love singers with distinguished voice. There are so many singers out there these days that you simply cannot identify from their voice. All sounds the same.

家家 reminds me of Norah Jones. I avoid playing 家家 's album in the morning or at work, cos I can get really emotional listening to her album.

A really good voice with a nice album. 介绍给大家。:)

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